Yakushima Vita Kitchen

Yakushima Vita Kitchen (Y-Vita) is located along the main road in Mugio (麦生) on the right hand side if you are driving from Miyanoura. There is a car park right in front of the white wooden building. The Hotokawa bus stop (ホトー川バス停) is right outside the restaurant.

Yakushima Vita Kitchen receives many guests from both Japan and abroad and part of the Yakushima experience is to taste the local produce from Yakushima and Kagoshima. Local products include Kagoshima black pork, black beef, Sakurajima chicken, Yakushima tiger prawns and flying fish. Yakushima Vita Kitchen source their vegetables from local organic farmers and are used in their salads and most other dishes.

Lunch time and cafe time do not require a reservation, but evening meals must be pre-booked.

Yakushima Vita Kitchen is a no-smoking premises and children under 6 years are not allowed.


Lunch 11:30 – last order 15:00
Dinner 18:00 – 21:00 (advanced bookings only)


Every Wednesday
A further 4 days per month that are published on the Y-Vita website




Japanese Name:

屋久島ヴィータ キッチン


Mugio 416-294, Yakushima


0997 47 3478

